Time for New Ways
How many times have you shook your head and vowed to leave social media platforms, but stay there still shaking your head every day? I have left some platforms several times over the last few years, and miserably failed, returning with a sigh of relief to be reconnected again, finding myself sucked straight back into the cycle of scrolling, likes, hearts, shares, laughing emojis and the 'active now' green dots in my messenger feed.

Today feels different. Since January 2022 I have been focused on my journey around health and it has been pretty intense, diving deep into my very soul. So many insights bringing up emotions around grief and loss, but ones of gratitude and love too. This is one of those moments when you reflect on life. What is important to you? What makes you happy what does not? What lifts your energy and what drains it? What do you miss and what do you want more of? Today I reflect on my social media activity. I have spent at least 8 years using it for my personal use, but also a lot for my previous campaign work, where I reached a following of 10,000.
I wonder now, as I see so many fixated with numbers of followers, does it bring value to what you are trying to achieve? Is it a good use of your time? If you have someone to manage it for you, do they really have the same deep interest, passion and knowledge as you, to be able to step into your shoes to represent you? Is it as important, engaging and change making as we thought for the amount of time and energy we invest in it? It did not make a big difference for the cause I was passionately fighting for, despite many years of voluntary work setting up and running two not for profit organisations, working 100 hours a week for 8 of those years, truly believing it could help me bring the change I wished to see if my online presence was out there.
Yes, I became known nationally, a figurehead for the cause, people felt less alone with their situation, but it did not bring 'the change'. I knew I could not have done more than I did. I had given it my all, and more. It was devastating to me when I took my social media pages down, I felt a massive failure to those I represented. Now I understand there are simply some things we do not have power to influence. It was a tough lesson that left me with a chronic illness, but it has helped me navigate my way through the last two years easier than I would have done without those insights. We cannot fight fire with fire. We need to find ways to create that we wish to see.
It does not mean I have turned my back on the horrific things happening in the world, that I do not care, that I am in denial. I am more than aware, I simply choose to not allow it to consume me, as that is a a negative draining distraction, taking me away from my life purpose for the greater good.
Here I am again, feeling torn, but tapping into the feeling I am experiencing is showing me my past social media activity has generally been unhealthy for me, an energy sapping practice that needs to be broken. I still have other platforms, Instagram, LinkedIn and You Tube, so it is not like I am disappearing off the planet. I also have my website, email and the good old fashioned telephone, so there is always a way to for people to reach me! Happy to meet up with people locally for a cuppa, or in other parts of the UK when I am on my travels.
Social media has it's place and I have got to know some wonderful people over the years, making some wonderful friendships, so it is not all bad. I know from private messages that some things I have shared really resonated with others and made a difference.
However, negative aspects outweigh the good, and I acknowledge by redirecting my energy this can only impact positively on my health. Making space within gives you room to breathe, heal and flow, and I want things in my life that fulfil me and make me smile.
I have important topics to share and talk about and an important project on the go that I want to reach people later this year. I have an acceptance that there are times you need to step back and let those with the larger audience spread the message you wish to be heard. I will find my own way to share what I want to share, and those who feel guided to support me by sharing it will do so. That will be a kinder way for me. The size of the audience does not matter, it is the impact you make on those you connect with, and that ripples out. You may not always be aware of the impact you make.
Here are some more thoughts on why I have reached this decision, on the You Tube video below.
What next?
My health remains a priority for 2022.
I have some new and exciting things coming up with no idea where this will take me and have no expectations, open to be wherever I am guided. Always trust the process.
You can follow or connect with me on:
Email tamaya@btinternet.com Newsletters can be found on the website. So, here's to the summer months and whatever lies in store then and beyond.
With love to you all.
Jenny x