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Navigating the Energies and Chaos

A few months has passed since my last blog and even longer since I recorded my last You Tube Channel video. Life took over this summer and my energy was needed for the process I found myself in. I am not someone who spends time focusing on creating blogs and videos for a greater online presence, preferring to hop on to my platforms to share when inspired to do so. Today is one of those times. Are you finding the energies intense this year, with it becoming moreso as 2024 is drawing to a close?

In my close circle, online community, from messages I am receiving and from my own personal experience, many are feeling like they have been opened up to feel everything and often intensely. Many are feeling they do not understand or fit into the world anymore. To me it seems there is an accelerated process of awakening and learning happening, particularly challenging for empaths. Today felt the right time to write my next blog with this in mind. More and more veils are being lifted, which can bring deeply painful realisations, and more challenges to navigate around life changes around friendships/relationships/jobs/homes and health. An update on my news and the reason for my absence on my blog and You Tube channel: Since May I have had a run of health issues: 6 months of a chronic escalating, immobilising painful issue with my hip and leg, despite numerous chiropractor visits. This is finally improving after finding a new chiropractor and organising an MRI to give me accurate information for targetted treatments. My first jaw bone cavitation surgery triggered an issue in another area of my jaw. This ongoing symptomatic issue of years quickly escalated lasting over a month, the final week becoming so acute I sought emergency local dental evaluation, and then took a 7 hour drive to my dentist, which led to an excrutiating and traumatising extraction, as the tooth would not numb, I can only assume because it had been deteriorating for so long since my amalgam replacements in 2018, worsening over recent years. September brought a breast cancer scare and referral to the Breast Clinic. I was blasted into a void of darkness for 3 weeks. Thankfully given the all clear. October I found myself in A & E for 10 hours on an IV. Eventually my suspicions confirmed. I had a 4cm piece of chicken blocking my oeophagus, which I eventually cleared without surgery thanks to the morphine in the IV! This brought insights into the fact I have been unable to chew my food well for possibly at least 4 years after having my root canal teeth extracted, then the ongoing pain in all my teeth and a denture i have been unable to wear for 2 years. At the beginning of November I decided to have an OPG panoramic x-ray taken, to assess where I am at with dental work to be done. This showed an area of decay, high inflammation in many teeth, and I was told of the potential of me losing all my back teeth. That will be another 6 in addition to the 6 already extracted. I am now looking at ways to continue my dental journey, a totally unknown and scary path right now, knowing I have much work left to do, who will do it and where will the finances come from? Despite the challenges, there has been some great things to come from this time! I am 14lbs lighter from this time last year due to being unable to eat, and my diet is far healthier! Myofascial dysfunction in areas improved from 4 years of supported and self body/emotional trauma work. Body inflammation decreased. Breast tissue normal.

My leg and hip issue led me to search for a new chiropractor who feels like a breath of fresh air after over a decade of various chiropractic care. He gives me hope there is compassion to be found in private healthcare.

MRI on back and pelvis shows the issues, and I am on a structured regime to bring space and movement to my spine, to build on the ongoing bodywork i aleady do. Movement is key! My drum soundbaths and healing work are unaffected, support my health even more, my chiro says keep on going and I certainly intend to, I love my work! Whilst my recent return visit for a full body thermography scan identified increased inflammation in my jaw, it showed a decrease in my overall body inflammation, which is fantastic! Other positive changes too, which I will update soon on the thermography page of my website. As well as our own personal challenges, I know many are affected by events around the world, as if we are feeling the heaviness of the collective, absorbing the energies like a sponge. Self-care is so important. Go out in nature whenever you can, spend time around people, places and things that bring you joy and fill your heart. It can be hard to switch off from what happens around us, whether in our personal life or from world events. We need to be resourceful! Identify your triggers and your needs and do what you can to bring balance. It is also ok to surrender to the overwhelm, to withdraw and rest without feeling guilt. I see people more and more disconnected from their bodies, absorbed in devices, gadgets to tell them how they breathe, sleep, how many steps they walk. We need to bring that connection back to ourselves. Try to focus on connecting and feeling into your body even more during thee times. Listen to what your body needs and honour that whenever possible. It could be physical, it could be emotional, it could be spiritual, there maybe unprocessed memories needing your attention. Our bodies remember, even when our minds do not. When we can step off the treadmill of busy life and move into stillness, that is when we hear what our bodies need.

I am always open about my good times and my more challenging times, unafraid to share my vulnerability. We have enough illusions on line, that I feel are causing damage to peoples' mental health, yet they are unreal, they are not authentic. Life encompasses it all, flowing with what is and seeking support you may need on the way without feeling guilt or shame. Everything in life is learning and brings opportunity for self-awareness and self-growth. I hope by writing this blog, anyone struggling right now will not feel so alone. It may feel isolating, but remember you are part of a whole, we are one. People will have different life stories and challenges, all doing their best to navigate the energies and chaos. Some may need to step back now and then, away from distractions, to work on themselves, re-centre and re-energise,so they can be a lighthouse for others. I have had thoughts of 'i wish i didn't feel so much, it is too painful' and I know others have too. BUT this makes us who we are, and this world needs more kindness and compassion if it is to change for the better.

As I said to someone only this week "Nothing stays stuck forever. Every second, every breathe is a step forward to coming out the other side and in the darkest of times the brightest lights will shine."

Never dim your light, or apologise for you you are. Be your authentic you. Never give up on your dreams, they are important, as are you. All messages I have to keep telling to myself too. We are all in this together and forever learning at our own pace. There will always be someone behind us and someone infront of us. I hope you enjoy the music video below. Much love, Jenny



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