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Lions Gate 8/8/2024

Wow, is it really 4 months since I have written a blog?! I tend not to churn out blogs or record videos for my You Tube channel simply to keep content flowing, I appear when feeling pulled to share thoughts and feelings. So here I am! I do not profess to be an astrology follower or understand it in depth. I take a light interest in moon cycles, energy frequencies and observe how they impact on me and those around me, it can be helpful when navigating the ebbs and flows of life. Leo is my birth month. I love the energy of this time of year, feeling possibly my most focused and creative with an abundance of energy. This can become too much for my body to cope with alongside my health challenges, so I listen have to take a pause at times when I need to. Well I am 60 next year! This year I felt a strong pull to organise a special event for Lions Gate in Teignmouth. I have never felt this before, and had no idea why this year should be any different.

This Lions Gate Portal is considered super powerful, as 2024 is an 8 year in numerology (2024 = 2 + 2 + 4 = 8). I have timed my event to take place so we are gathering at 8pm on 8/8. The repeated numbers of 888 in numerology amplifies its energy, representing infinity, empowerment, enlightenment, financial abundance, achievement and manifestation of goals.

I followed my inner guidance and prepared myself to step out of my comfort zone to deliver a different and new format to my regular sound bath. I am super excited but hands up, incredibly nervous!

I found in my somatic therapy as a client, as you dive into deep untouched layers, there can be very challenging and uncomfortable moments as you face past hurts, traumas and fears. However, each time you revisit, it becomes less acute and easier to navigate. This may feel impossible when you are in the depths of it all, but I promise you, it is possible. The memories never go away, they just less consuming of life and easier to live with. The reminder in this for me, and to share with others, is the first time we face our fear and anxiety it is tough, but the more we do it, the easier it becomes.

It felt the perfect time to revisit my Patrick Gamble print 'The Power Within' as an image for this blog. I displayed this on the wall of my first healing room, to remind me that we all have the power within, we just need to be brave and tap into it during moments of self-doubt.

From my own experience this year and hearing from close friends, it seems we are being relentlessly pushed forward out of our comfort zones, for us to remember who we are. There is no hiding away any more from things we have tried to avoid thinking about or feeling for weeks, months, years, decades, even a lifetime. It is time to surrender to the self-work needing to be done for your own healing, and in doing so, this supports the healing of the collective, which the world really needs more than ever. This can be worked on alone, or with support from a trusted friend/partner or practitioner, if it is feels too deep or overwhelming to 'go there'.

The Lions Gate Portal runs from 28 July 28 to 12 August, peaking on 8 August when the sun is in Leo, and the Earth, Orion's Belt and Sirius, the brightest start in the sky line up. This aligns with the heart, bringing forth power and self-expression, for you to recognise and own your authenticity and what you wish to manifest into your life. Listen to your heart. Do things that bring you joy. Ripple waves of love through your body and to others around you. On 12 August as the Portal closes, remember we may not always see the outcomes of our intentions straight away. Everything happens in the perfect of timing, even if we do nto realise it at the time.

It is time to heal your wounds. Have the courage to be yourself, step into your power. The world is waiting for you. Jenny x



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