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It Is All Within You

A very different blog for me to start off 2025 compared to January 2024. I struggled this year to find words and re-wrote this many times today, ending up deleting several attempts, feeling frustrated at myself as I normally flow with words. It all felt beyond possible to accomplish, then tonight I came onto my site and the words flowed without overthinking. I originally intended to share a reflection on my vision for 2024 and how it actually turned out, but decided I do not want this blog to be all about me, it needs to be about you. I will say however, in the first half of 2024 I experienced the most aliveness and balance in my body I have ever known. The latter part of the year I experienced some of the most deeply painful realisations around someone I valued and cared for, which left me feeling extremely vulnerable, triggered a trauma response and deep grieving process. Last year people left my life, others entered, existing friendships grew deeper and my therapy sessions moved into deeper layers too. Grateful for my ongoing support Team as always!

Back to you!

2024 was a tough year for many people for many different reasons, especially around various forms of loss.

The theme for my 2024 blog was Authenticity. I saw more of this last year and hope to see more and more in 2025 and beyond. I truly believe if people do not live in their truth with transparency, not leading from their heart with pure intention, eventually the veil will lift for the illusion to be seen by those ready to see. This way of being is unsustainable and not in alignment with the energy of the new world we are wanting to see. When we cannot change something, it is important to bring focus back to our path and allow the rest to unfold around us in it's own time. For those living and working without ego, from their hearts with compassion and transparency, I thank you. I know many around the world are struggling to walk this path, experiencing sabotage, gaslighting and being projected on by others. If you can relate to this, my message to you is do not change who you are, the world needs you. Energy never lies. Keep on going knowing light always wins over darkness, and people awaken at their own pace. By living as our true selves, in our authenticity, we attract people into our lives who are in true alignment which enriches life beyond measure. When people become overwhelmed by their challenges in life, they often seek out others to 'make it ok'. Some people may think they can attend one therapy appointment or a retreat, and they will leave with their deepest hurts healed. I thought that once at the beginning of my healing journey years ago. I now know this is not the case if you want positive long term life changes. I have seen on my own path of these last 4 years particularly, no one can rescue us. There are no Gurus, no Masters, but there are people with knowledge, compassion and love in their hearts ready to support you as a team effort. This is all part of developing your self-awareness and personal growth.

We need to be brave to surrender, open ourselves and feel, not block out our emotions. Some hurts can be deep, they can be lifelong, too overwhelming and scary to work through on your own. It is ok to seek out support from a practitioner, but this person needs to be viewed as a guiding and supporting hand, not as a rescuer. I will not lie, it is a tough path, there are no quick fixes, but the rewards are huge when you put the work in, and if needed find the right person/people to support you. A reminder to myself also ... at the end of the day, the only person we can totally rely on is ourselves. Learn to love yourself, to feel deserving of good in life, and embrace those around you who are there to support you in the process, whether that be family, friends or practitioners. I have exciting things ahead for myself and also to offer clients in 2025, but I also know I have some huge challenges ahead too. Keep on moving forward. I hope this year we are all able to bring more focus to ourselves, identifying our needs and being able to resource them. When our needs are met, we expand, have more to give to others and in healing ourselves, we contribute to the healing of the collective. I hope you enjoy the following music video offering to welcome in another year. Much love, Jenny x



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